A Slightly Scruffy Looking Onion


I found a rather tired looking onion in the vegetable basket along with  a few sprouting potatoes. There just had to be something I could do with them. A rummage in freezer and I found two equally sad sausages.

I really enjoy a baked potato. A simple baked potato served with baked beans. Yes, those baked beans in a tin.


I decided to bake the onions as well as the potatoes. I removed the sprouts from the potatoes then pierced them with a knife and finally rubbed them with oil. Then placed them on an enamel roasting tray.

The onions, I just removed the top but kept the root. I picked off the very dry skin. As with the potatoes I rubbed the onions with oil and placed them on roasting tray. I prefer to bake vegetables at 160C and leave them for about 2 hours.

This time I removed the onion after an hour. Then I peeled the skin, cut off the root and eased out the centre. The sausages were thawed, and I filled the cavity with sausage meat. I made an envelope from parchment paper and placed the onion inside  I returned the onion to the oven until the potatoes and onions were cooked. The time will actually depend on the size of the potato. If you can squish in the sides of the potato, then it is cooked.

When the potatoes are cooked heat a tine of baked beans which have been seasoned with pepper, paprika and chopped dried oregano. This makes a lovely evening meal and leftovers are delicious cold with a green salad for  lunch the next day.


Carrot and Coconut Salad

