Porridge Continued


Firstly, I would like to thank those who emailed me with their thoughts on porridge and their prefernces. I never thought that porridge could be made in so many ways using various machines and not just the hob. The other thing that the emails highlighted was how the humble porridge cold be elevated.

It seems, Flahavan’s microwave porridge oats with milk is a firm favourite. Now I have never tried making porridge in the microwave. Although I have a microwave I think I have only used it a couple of times. Perhpas that is something I need to rectify?

Kilbeggan Porridge Oats made on the hob using a combination of milk and water seem to be very popular as well.

The other way of having porridge was overnight soaked porrdge which wa not cooked.

Impressive that the humble porridge can be prepared in so many ways. However, the general topic of the emails was the topping for the porridge or ingredients cooked with the porridge.

Dried fruit with a spice were the ideal ingredients for cooking in the porridge. Plain porridge then topped wtih honey and or cream. Nuts of every sort are aldo added.

One reader though added an indulgent ingredient. This reader soaks driend fruit preferably sultannas, raisins or cranberries in rum. The reader leaves it for a week before using these soaked food. This reader also suggests that it is used for special brunches or breakfasts. Please note it is only the dried fruit which is used as the liquid is used in paoching pears.

A few readers find chsnging fresh fruit with the porridge depending on what is in season avoids porridge becomeing boring.




Another Scrap Happy